LEGO Mindstorms NXT向けのファームウェア(C/C++)にTOPPERSが使われてる

LEJOS OSEK version 1.06 was just released. LEJOS OSEK is an open source firmware for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT focused on high speed real-time control applications for the NXT. You can read more and download it here.

なんかLEGO Mindstorms NXT向けのファームウェアが公開されてるらしいんですが、gccとかで開発できるらしく、これでNXT始まったなーという印象。


Additionally, LEJOS OSEK does not have virtual machine (or byte interpreter), therefore, wrong usages of C/C++ features (i.e. pointer) may crash a program. If you just wanted to write NXT programs by using a non-LEGO specific programming language, LEJOS NXJ (Java) may be the best choice.


