leJOS NXJ の新バージョンがリリース

September 3, 2007 3:46 PM
New versions of leJOS NXJ and iCommand are now available for download! The new beta version of leJOS NXJ 0.4 features NXT to NXT Bluetooth comms, a comms proxy to talk via sockets to the outside world, greatly improved MIDP LCD UI and graphics, primitive playing of wav sound samples, a multi-level menu, and lots of other enhancements. We haven't tested everything thoroughly, so if you find any bugs, please let us know in the bugwatch threads for leJOS NXJ and iCommand.

就職して以降、LEGO情報をお伝えしてなかったんですけど、leJOS NXJ 4.0が9月にリリースされていたようですね。手元にNXTがないので、試せないんですけど、新機能は以下の通り。

